Saturday, November 18, 2006

And So

With 14 flowers
and 14 kisses
on the 14 of november
he swept me off my feet.
It is such a this life works, how it makes things happen and how it brings new things without us expecting them...when we least realize it, our life has changed forever.
It's as if life waits for the moment to catch us off guard to surprise us with something great and that is exactly what has happened to me.
When I saw very little light, I turned and at the corner, there it was, very patiently waiting for me and its good, its peaceful giving light.
there is so much that I wish I could say, there is so much that I know people don't understand but there are times when it becomes impossible to sacrifice ourselves for others and I am happy. I am oh so happy. I have so much hope and I feel utter bliss because this boy brings light into my life. He sees in me, what I thought I had lost and things I had forgotten to see and there is something unconditional about th way he treats me, about the way he listens, about the way he smiles, about the way he talks and people tell me I look happier when I am with him. I feel happier.
I don't believe yet that I deserve all this. It all seems very new to me and like it isn't for me, almost as if destiny was confused and gave me something that infact belongs to someone else but I have hope that it isn't so and that in fact I will learn to see that I do deserve what life has put infront of me.

All I want to do is smile. c'est tout.

:)...thats me smiling 24/7.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Coffee and thoughts

For some reason I am starting to drink coffee more and more and I don't like coffee but perhaps now that is simply an act of denial. It lightens my heart though, especially mid afternoon around six, after dinner. It makes me smile.
And I feel so like...healthy recently. Besides the fact that I have this cough that will not go away and that I have no idea where it came from. I feel happy and joyous. Its so great to find peace. Its so great to find love for something, to have gratitude for things and people in our lives and to bless the days we are granted along with what they bring.
I am back in my oh so amazing ana working mode and I love it. I am truly one of those persons that finds joy in doing things, doing homework, making things, being productive. I love it and indulge in it. I think more of us need to learn that, it is soooo much better when we learn to stop complaining about all we have to do and we actually do it and enjoy doing it. It took me a while to learn that, and I am sure I will encounter maaany situations where I will not be happy with what I am doing, but I want to strive to have it be otherwise.
I had dinner at potbellys today and for the first time ever I actually finished my sandwich. I was really hungry apparently, it was delish.
I saw this huge yellow leaf, which I lie not, was the size of my head, made me wish I had a small camera so I could carry it around everyday and have it for random exciting moments such as the big leaf.
I haven't done my yoga in like...4 days and its making me sad, I really need to do it tmw. maybe a little tonite.
there is something exciting and scary and fun and great and aaahhh on the way...very soon I will all find out :)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dear Ana

On behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washtenaw County, we are happy to inform you of your acceptance as a Big in our School Based Program. We hope you will find your experience richly rewarding. The agency is deeply appreciative of the time you have already invested in the program and promises to offer you support and assistance throughout your involvement.

:) I cannot wait to make this experience so rewarding for a little one. It is funny how the world works, it is funny how God works.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

these are the days

I absolutely adore days when I can talk to a million people and a million people talk to me and we can talk about anything. It goes to show how as humans we are so great and complex and great thinkers and just amazing. You know, growing up there is always that sense of, who am i? are the words that I am saying really my words? and it seems like we spend a lot of time (I spent a lot of time) thinking about the things I was going to say, instead of saying them, or thinking about the way i wanted to portray myself instead of portraying myself.
I feel like there are days that even though may be challenging and may test my patience are full of rewarding little incidents and somehow, I am beginning to notice those incidents. Its like my attention is shifting away from my self, my inner self, thoughts and questions, to noticing what surrounds me and giving back to the things that bring optimism and positive vibes to my life.
This is not to sound egotistical at all, in fact its otherwise, but as humans, we dont realize that we can make a difference in someone else's life. One person alone, can make the difference. It is so evident that there is that one person who genuinly just needs a little help through their day, or with a project. There is that one person who genuinly needs to talk about their life and pressures and worries. And just listening, just smiling, just saying its ok, can make the difference.
Today at my lecture series, a priest came to talk to us and it was the weirdest thing because, we usually have well known artists come who probably dont believe in religion or a spiritual life themselves. I feel like the higher being has been talking to me lately, telling me, look ana, its clearer than water, I am here for you, do not leave my side.
I have this need to live such a spiritual life that comes from within me and radiates out and he is telling me, do it through me, let me be your light.
That light is always there, in never disappoints and if it delays, wait for it, it will come- this was God talking to me through the man that spent an hour and a half sharing his wisdom with people who unfortunately are too foolish to realize that love and compassion and kindness is the only way to happiness.
Quick thoughts:
The sun came to visit Ann Arbor today and it was lovely, it doesn't get any better than sunny fall.
I can't stop eating...its crazy, my stomach has no limit, I can keep on eating forever and ever.
I am happy that I am planning out all that I have to do and I will get it done
My throat hurts like hell
ugh...some people are a bore
I love my sister
My pretty flower died, kind of sad about that.
I'm still obsessed with John Mayer.
I wore a really pretty shirt today.
It's 11.11, make a wish everyone.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I love my life, I love the things going in my life right now. all of it, its like God is looking out for me, no matter what happens, he really is and I am so blessed and so thankful because of that.
I however cannot cannot accept lies
I cannot accept rude people
and as hard as I try to tell myself that it is not important I cannot accept people who do not respect limits.
Do unto others, what you want done on to you. Accept the things that are going on in your life as your own succes or your own failure...that is all there is to it.
Anyway....unto better things...
Art and I are truly finding a common ground, it is like we are genuinely becoming lifelong friends and holding each other by the hand, saying, I will be there for you no matter what.
I'm still pissed
happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts....
perhaps a good night would be best.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Ana you look so serious, what is the matter?
It's just that im busy and I don't like feeling pressured or stress...must be the alignment of the planets or something.

After losing myself blissfully in what seems like something that could take up ALL my time...its back to me and work and studying and getting it together, because that is what I like to do, and I will not complain, I will simply say that...oh my I need to remember to breath because in the end...everything will get done. Breath it in...breath it out.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

oh my

...I think my knees are still shaking...
(you can't tell but I'm smiling and I try to hide it but it isn't really working)
oh my my.

"Down to the wire
I wanted water but
I'll walk through the fire
If this is what it takes
To take me even higher
Then I'll come through
Like I do
When the world keeps
Testing me, testing me,testing me."

what you gonna do about it?

tmw will be productive as in...academically productive.

Friday, November 03, 2006

tooo dooo dooo doo

I waaaant tooo haaaave a daaance party tooonite!!!
toooo doo dooo do tooo do do do.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

oh snowflakes, it smells llike winter

I'm ready to write.
Hello november, welcome to my life. There is something about you, I feel like you are welcoming me with open arms so I will do the same for you. THere used to be something about you, for some reason, I couldn't get myself to like november but today, you seem different, like we are ready to meet each other. You have entered with a snow storm and although I was literally "breaded" in snow, it wasn't too bad. There is something bittersweet about the cold and about snowfalls. I almost delight in it even though the cold wind feels like needles on my face. I specially enjoy walks at night, I may be freezing, but there is something about it, it is so hard to explain, it is just safe, it means christmas is coming, it means I don't have to have a reason to hug people if I feel like it, it means being emotional is ok, You winter serve very much as a metaphor.
I wish I carried a notebook with me so I could write down little notes to remind me of all I saw in a day and all that I want to write. This blog would be a heck of a lot more interesting.
Today in drawing class, something clicked, art clicked, a calm soothing feeling clicked. whatever it was, it just brightened my oh so very loooooong day. My self-portrait is looking awesome by the way.
One of my very good friends told me a story and it made me realize that the dreams, the ideals and the beliefs that I have are not really thaaat out there or crazy. Sometimes I feel like I live in this fantasy world away from reality, not so much because I think that I am crazy but becauswe there have been people that have judged and have brought me down and decided to tell me that I need to come back to reality, yet...I am not the one wondering what to do with my life or who I am, I very well know and this story just made me smile.
Apparently, her friends parents are from Italy and they met one day on the Street, back in Italy. They never exchanged numbers or made anything of it and they seperatley decided to go to Yale. One day the man (dad) dropped something and went to pick it up and when he stood up there was this woman standing infront of him and they stared at each other and recognized each other from the day they had met and fell in love and have been married ever since (years and years.)
And then, the guy (my friends friend with the parents with the cool story) wrote her the most beautiful letter I have ever read in my life. It is the kind of letter you wish to have written about you because it talks about all the qualities that you don't see in yourself that this other person sees and its marveled by. I always wished that someone would write something like that about me, that I could inspire someone in that way, and I am not writing out of jealousy, it may sound like that, but I'm really not, I was touched and truly honestly geniunly believe that my friend deserves this in her life, she deserves that letter and she deserves this boy in her life. These are the types of things that matter in life at the end of the day. Not the gifts, the presents, not woohing someone off their feet, the simple things, being able to put in words how much someone matters to you, as simple as that, makes life worth living.
I spent an hour at a bookstore today, it was blissful me time. I bought a book about yoga because I believe that it is time I start reading about it, learning about it and its philosphy and I am so excited about it. :) It is truly something I want to commit to and dedicate to. I am one of those persons who will do something for a while and then kind of stop doing it...and let it go and never come back to it. I don't want to do that with yoga, it is too good to me.
I bought the new (kinda new) John Mayer cd, i really really like it, it is like...exactly how i feel and ever since tuesday night I feel like an older person, Like i grew up, once clicked and John Mayer writes good songs about that.
"Pain throws your heart to the ground, love throws the whole thing around." So true.

Lastly, I've written about this a million times but hypocrisy and cynisism really bother me. These things really get to me and I don't understand why people behave in this way, honestly, do you not see that there are better things to do with your life? a better way to live your life? People...just don't, try to learn not to behave in this way, you ruin it for yourself and for other people.

On a lighter note...I am loving the art school and I am so afraid that this feeling will go away, I don't want it to go away, please feeling don't go away :)

oh and...its snowing like a mofo...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

good day good song

No I'm not the man I used to be lately
See you met me at an interesting time
If my past is any sign of your future
You should be warned before I let you inside

Hold on to whatever you find baby
Hold on to whatever will get you through
Hold on to whatever you find baby
I don't trust myself with loving you

I will beg my way into your garden
I will break my way out when it rains
Just to get back to the place where I started
So I can watch you back all over again

Hold on to whatever you find baby
Hold on to whatever will get you through
Hold on to whatever you find baby
I don't trust myself with loving you

Who do you love?
Who do you love?
Who do you love me or the thought of me? me or the thought of me?

Hold on to whatever you find baby
Hold on to whatever will get you through
Hold on to whatever you find baby
I don't trust myself with loving you

Hold on to whatever you find baby
Hold on to whatever gets you through through
Hold on to whatever you find baby
I don't trust myself with loving you
I don't trust myself with loving you
I don't trust myself with loving you
I don't trust myself with loving you