Saturday, August 01, 2009

Money attracts money

Sooooo I don't think this has anything to do with karma but I do believe that the universe behaves in strange ways and that everything happens for a reason. In a nutshell, every action has a reaction.
This is actually not a serious post, in fact, quite the opposite, quite comical but still...iiiinteeerestiiing, makes you wooonder!!??
So anyway...I am in Cleveland, Ohio right now which is where my parents currently live and where I am spending the last weeks of summer vacation before I go back to school and finish my very last semester.
Nothing much happens here in Macedonia OH, at least nothing terribly exciting which is why this is even mooore's the little things in life that make you happy and make you wonder about the ways of the world when you have a lot of time to waste.
I spent a lot of time with my dad today, we have a very strange relationship... I am very independent and ask very little from him but he is always there as my safety net in case I fall. We don't talk much when it's just him and me but we love going out on little outings. I think our conversations revolve around 3 major subjects. We either exchange jokes and sarcastic remarks about the people that live in this town (I know it sounds very mean but it's not, I promise.) We also love to talk about the different ways in which we think the world and especially our economy right now could improve or we like to come up with different businesses we believe would be successful- We come up with a whole business plan, how we would go about it and how long it would take for it to become profitable- Now that I think about it I should start taking notes, we have quite a few great ideas :)
But anyway today we went out and on our way home we stopped at t a movie vending machine. You pay $1 per day per movie and because my dad does not believe in spending any more money than he should we always get our movies from here. Sometimes the selection is pretty limited, but we still watch them because he doesn't see why he should go and spend more if we can still obtain quality entertainment for just $1... One day this couple waiting in line in front of my dad told him about this promotional code and if you use it, you don't have to pay for the movie, it just vends it out for free! So he very excitedly tried it today and it worked!!! haha, my dad could not get enough of it he was sooo proud of himself for having saved the $1.07 for his movie and he almost took it as finally...I saved money... even if it was just $1.07. I have to say I gave him props.
Later on I decided I needed a Big Mac (my biggest weakness, you can pretty much bribe me and get anything you want from me in exchange for a Big Mac.) So we went through the drive thru and when the lady gave my dad back his change she must have not been paying attention because she handed us back $2 extra than she should have. WE were going to do the right thing but no one ever came back to the window and my dad decided that he was going to keep it. As we pulled out of the parking lot we both looked at each other and were hit with this epiphany, the world wanted us to have money today! All the signs were there! how lucky we had been to have saved/earned 3 dollars in one day!!!???
So...yup, exactly that, I know you're thinking the same thiiiing... We were NOT going to waste this opportunity, we went to the grocery store and bought a lottery ticket because when you are having a lucky day it means that everything in the universe is behaving in strange ways to benefit you AAAAAaaaaaandd... money only attracts money.
And that should make you smile :)

I will keep you posted on whether or not we win ;)