Monday, May 14, 2007

ahhhhh I'm BAck!

hiiii blog. how are ya
so sorry about not writing, i've missed ya, just as much as you've missed me
here is the thing though, my writing abilities rely on this thing called, the internet, this thing we've sadly come to take as granted and necessary for our lives to function properly. and really truly, creativeness relies on new technology??????
paper and pencil is no loonger good enough???
sadly for me, im gonna have to say yes to that one. I only feel like the words flow from the tips of my fingers when I can type, not when I can hold a pen.
I've said it many times and I still honestly believe that there is a need for a revolution, for us as a society to realize that we are better than the computers that we create, that our brains are so powerful that beauty would take over our world if we went back to a simpler life, where we actually recognized each other, not tried to guard ourselves with tv's, computers and all the funky gadgets.
Oh la,
Sooooo, Here are the things I've learned guess...while living in Cleveland for the past three weeks.
1. I worry too much, about stupid little things, trust is lacking, I don't know that I understand how trust works, like, how does trust make sense in your head???? trust in anything??? Note: the bigger, more important things in life don't worry me at all, its the little things. Its like math, I get the super complicated things, but I always mess up on the simple adding and subtracting, you know what I mean?
2. I freakin' love going to Bob Evans and reading those little books they have about the past while I wait for my table. It's sooo great to learn about the past or about the year you were born.
3. It's awkward and sad when people recognize you whenever you walk into a restaurant or store because you go there way too often, but, like....there is really nowhere else to go.
4. trains used to scare the crap out of me, now I live in a town where trains go by every other hour, woohoo.
5. ummm...television sucks, I honestly don't like it, I don't understand the people that can sit hours watching tv and not get a headache, and so far these past weeks, I wake up no later than 10 am because otherwise I'll miss the Martha Stewart terrible I've fallen.
6. I can sell shoes :) it's great fun, now I know that for sure one day I will own a business, perhaps not a shoe store but something.
7. Want an excuse for not going to the gym to workout? Have no address, they won't let you join the gym.
8. Boredom leads to short hair, short short hair. It's still cute hair, it's just way short.
9. I no longer enjoy going out to eat, it's become an everyday, every meal thing, not cool.
10. It's really not that bad, its a matter of sucking it up, its kind of funny sometimes, the kind of life I get to live, especially when my family is put in one tiny room...together...tiny room...togehter.... I can feel it getting better soon, I really can, except for the part where I get up at 6.30 every morning to go to school.
yay for cleveland.

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