Sunday, March 26, 2006

im just sitting here playing with my toes

its going to look like I wrote twice for the same day but it isn't so, its that I wrote at midnite and it was suppose to be for saturday's nite, but it looks like its sunday, but not.
anyway, i was trying to find a community college to take french in but it didn't work so I gave up.
today was very lazy, I got up early and all and finished all I had to do early, so i've been sitting here doing unimportant things, i really want to take a nap though. I haven't left my building at all, I have no idea what the day was like today, it's ok though, I like days like these.
I went down to eat and I was reminded of how last summer, I was sick with mono and so my boyfriend would come to my house with breakfast food and we would eat croissants and watermelon with cottage cheese or he would come and pick me up and take me to his house where he had pancakes and hot chocolate waiting for me. how lovely all of that was, not the being sick part, but everything else. How you ever noticed how the air smells different when seasons change, the air just feels different, thats what reminded me of those summer mornings. lovely lovely memory.
im going to go shower now.

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