Thursday, November 09, 2006

these are the days

I absolutely adore days when I can talk to a million people and a million people talk to me and we can talk about anything. It goes to show how as humans we are so great and complex and great thinkers and just amazing. You know, growing up there is always that sense of, who am i? are the words that I am saying really my words? and it seems like we spend a lot of time (I spent a lot of time) thinking about the things I was going to say, instead of saying them, or thinking about the way i wanted to portray myself instead of portraying myself.
I feel like there are days that even though may be challenging and may test my patience are full of rewarding little incidents and somehow, I am beginning to notice those incidents. Its like my attention is shifting away from my self, my inner self, thoughts and questions, to noticing what surrounds me and giving back to the things that bring optimism and positive vibes to my life.
This is not to sound egotistical at all, in fact its otherwise, but as humans, we dont realize that we can make a difference in someone else's life. One person alone, can make the difference. It is so evident that there is that one person who genuinly just needs a little help through their day, or with a project. There is that one person who genuinly needs to talk about their life and pressures and worries. And just listening, just smiling, just saying its ok, can make the difference.
Today at my lecture series, a priest came to talk to us and it was the weirdest thing because, we usually have well known artists come who probably dont believe in religion or a spiritual life themselves. I feel like the higher being has been talking to me lately, telling me, look ana, its clearer than water, I am here for you, do not leave my side.
I have this need to live such a spiritual life that comes from within me and radiates out and he is telling me, do it through me, let me be your light.
That light is always there, in never disappoints and if it delays, wait for it, it will come- this was God talking to me through the man that spent an hour and a half sharing his wisdom with people who unfortunately are too foolish to realize that love and compassion and kindness is the only way to happiness.
Quick thoughts:
The sun came to visit Ann Arbor today and it was lovely, it doesn't get any better than sunny fall.
I can't stop eating...its crazy, my stomach has no limit, I can keep on eating forever and ever.
I am happy that I am planning out all that I have to do and I will get it done
My throat hurts like hell
ugh...some people are a bore
I love my sister
My pretty flower died, kind of sad about that.
I'm still obsessed with John Mayer.
I wore a really pretty shirt today.
It's 11.11, make a wish everyone.

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