Thursday, December 07, 2006

Breathing time

So I haven't written in fooorever which is really sad because it means that I am not even making time for myself these days. Everything is going and happening so quickly though, that I feel, there is not enough time to sit and collect my thoughts. It sort of feels like if I do, I will lose pace and rhythm and stop working and that is the last thing that I want to have happen to me right now. I however, thought it would be wise to take a deep loooong breath before releasing it and working my butt of for the next 5 days.
I feel wiser, I feel like I am learning how to deal with life and not suffer the consequences, it is a great thing to find inner strenght and power for creativity.'s funny how much one can learn in 4 little months, something that seems like it would take a lifetime yet, I am over coming my fears and it is such a great feeling of satisfaction, when you strive to achieve a certain goal and you reach it and it isn't pride that comes after, simply, good understanding of yourself.
The other day at one of my classes, my professor talked to us about the big scheme of things and life. Our planet is about 4.5 billion years old and from that time...human evollution has only been present for 150,000 years...that is mind-blowing. We are such a small part of something soooo big yet, think of all that we know, of all that we think and create and of all the ways we have improved our lives on this planet. We are product of something so grand and so big that even our greatest accomplishments, as great as they seem, make up a very tiny part of it all.
Situations like that, or thoughts like that really put things into perspective. Like, I have this new great and wonderful understanding of the energy I create and how I radiate it and where i spend my energy. And so, well, actually I have always known this...complicated is not fun, people bring upon themselves such martyrdom and we are all victims of this, but there is a better way to live and those who understand that...are just glorious beings.
Compassion is a hard thing to learn I think. Being able to gain a sense of compassion for others and for yourself, or the work that you do. But what it all comes down are granted 100 years on this planet that has been alive for 4.5 billion change, and it may change and do whatever it wants, but it will still be there, we however, are only here for so long and so...why not create pleasant memories, why not create positive energy and kharma, why limit our flow of good energy?
It doesn't make sense does it???
my drawing professor, whom I love to death, like some girls and I say...we would take a bullet for him...he is such a wise man and today he said, mistakes are everywhere, nobody, not even the greatest artists went without making mistakes, be aware of this, you have to be serious about the work you do but in a relaxed state of being, enjoy it, laugh along the way and learn.
I think being too hard on ourselves limits us and creates fears and this too limits our flow of energy.
I can't believe that it has been like...3 weeks since I last wrote, but breaks, are good, I think this blog needed a break, there are more intersting thoughts coming along the way and I realize that writing is no longer a thing, it is simply within me. You know...people influence the way we write, like...I hope I never change the way I write or at least remember it instead of getting side much on my my little head right now, I could go on and on and on but I will just comment on the important stuff
Parents: great good and happy with a fake christmas tree in our living room. we think it's funny, fake trees are foreign to us but it looks great, the theme this year is department stores...Macy's.
Sister: greatest sister ever, she is finding herself and her priorities in life (work, beliefs, people) and she is someone I can just have hold my hand and she paints my world in a pretty picture.
Friends: really need to get in touch with Mexico friends and Syracuse ones, I have drowned myself in other things and people and I miss these amazing lovable friends, but I know they are there and they know I am here. I love these bizarre friendships but the greatest feeling is being able to come back and even though we all have completely different lives and sometimes forget about the past...we can come back to each other and feel like we have never left mexico in 8th grade or high school in little fayetteville-manlius new york.
School: Although haha...I question sometimes what in the world it is that I am doing there and where I will end up...I love creating, I love having the responsibility to put something together. I hate calling art, its creativeness that drives me to keep going and I love improving.
Work: I FREAKING LOVE MY JOB...there no more needed to explain.
the boy: he is silly goofy and very dramatic but he makes me laugh and smile and relax and we have fun together and we listen to each other and so far so good.
ann arbor: such a great place to be, it embraces me and i adore it.
memories: keep on getting better :)
flow of energy: positive...disturbed once in a while but the important thing is to keep it flowing and not getting mad at yourself because it was disturbed, finding your way back is what matters :)

all the rest does not matter.
this is a long freaking entry.

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