Thursday, October 26, 2006

I no longer have love handles

I really honestly kind of miss them, it may sound really weird, but i never meant for them to disappear. Its kind of like...i lost a part of me because my love handles used to be such a part of me like ana used to = love handles. And the worst part is...i never noticed when they left me, they just kind of did. its funny how those things happen, how our bodies change with time and we dont really notice, but they do.
I haven't written in forever and there truly is sooo much that i would like to write about but its all a mess in my head, that...well it wouldn't make sense. I think what it all comes down to however, is that, life will hand you lemons and you decide what you make with them, in this case I am making lemonade. And, you know, we believe that life is some complicated scheme that is way too hard to figure out and...its really not. You just have to have a clear understanding of the things you want and the things you believe in will guide you.
A lot of times we don't see the result of our actions as fast as we wish we could, and so we grow frustrated, we grow impatient and we may even stop believing, but, life has this funny way of rewarding us when we least expect it, when we stop asking for things, they just come to us. We do deserve certain things in life, its knowing how to wait for them that matters.
Even though this was suuuch a hard week to get through in some matters, it was rewarding, it was a motivating week, it was one of those weeks that if I looked back upon it months from now, I would probably cry.
I have these gorgeous flowers, that i very unexpectedly received from a very unexpected person ;) and they are gorgeous and they mean a lot to me, so thank you unexpected person. There will always be love from me to you and more than anything being able to talk to you, meant the world to me, know why, it just did.
Art...yeah...theres just something about it (im nodding my head) makes me smile.
music too, dancing and singing makes me smile, even though i cant sing but i can definitely dance.
I just feel like giving everybody I see a big hug and telling them to smile because all good things come to us, they really do, and its a great feeling. It's delightful.

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