Thursday, July 06, 2006

the truth about beds

They are always much more comfortable after you get up, have breakfast and come back to it. They are so much more welcoming after three days of not being made and they are eeven better when they are big. During winter flannel sheets are a must, during summer, egyptian cotton. And the cherry on top are the big fluffy pillows, a good amount of them but at least two.
Last night I had a dream that I wrote this: enough is enough, there are other things to look forward to, I will not fight the useless fight or struggle.
So I guess I will write it down... I just did.
I'm reading this book, it's about love, and one of the reasons I like it so much is because of how descriptive it is, it is as if the reader becomes part of the plot, you can picture absolutely everything. It's about a girl who is incredibly beautiful, elegant, delicate but not weak, and one of her prospects watches her as she walks through town, he is mesmerized by the way she walks, by her smile, he finds her gestures so intriguing and cute for lack of a better word. To him, she stands out from the rest of the crowd, and every part of her face, her hands, her steps, he watches her to memorize all of this about her. He is so utterly in love that he could watch her endlessly and imagine what his life with her would be like, How hard he would work for her, how he would admire her more and more everyday and how he would show her that she was above everything else, he calls her a goddess. I could read this part of the book over and over and over again.

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